
Monday, 22 May 2017

Maori Migration

Today Ms.Maude taught us how the Maori found New Zealand and how they would get their food. Many years ago a Maori man named Kupe traveled on his waka. During his traveling he discovered an island so he went back to his village to tell his men to make wakas in order for them to go to that island to live there. They used seven wakas to get to the island. The names were Aotea,Tainui,Te Arawa, Tokomoru,Kurahaupo,Takitimu and Mataatua. After they went to that island it became the north island which is part of Aotearoa. To get their food they rubbed their hands against a piece of flax and rubbed it until it formed a rope. They would then wrap it around a rock and when a bird came they would swing it and the rock would hit the bird killing it.


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