This week we used inequality signs <, > and = to compare fractions.
On Monday we used materials. This was easy for me because all I did was put one fraction on top of the other and it instantly found the answer to which one was bigger.
On Tuesday we used a fraction chart. This was easy for me because I could compare it with my fingers to find which one was bigger and which one was smaller.
Photo of fraction chart
On Wednesday we worked without the above. We learnt a strategy which was multiplying each numerator with the denominators. The knowledge required to solve to problems this way is to know your times tables or else you will have trouble doing this.
This was easy for me because I already know my times tables so it makes my life a little easier.
Kia ora Alicia
I really like how you were being honest about how hard it was and how easy it was. Unfortunately I have not did fraction this week but, I learnt it last year. What do want to learn next?
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