
Thursday, 24 August 2017

Writing - Should Grandparents get paid to look after Grandchildren?

Should Grandparents get paid to look after Grandchildren?

Is it necessary to pay your parents to look after your own children?  First of all people may think it is a good way to make money instead of having to go for job interviews e.t.c. Personally I think Grandparents should look after their Grandchildren out of generosity, not for a few extra bucks. To me it almost sounds like they could be doing it for the sake of getting money like, if I could simplify it I would say that they are just using the children for money.

On the other hand why would you even think of paying your parents to look after your children? I think Grandparents mainly should not get paid to look after their Grandchildren because they are family. If parents are unable to look after their children then that would be different. For example if your parents were sick or had a strong connection to bad influences then it would be a different because they would have no other person or people to care for them. However, if your parents are more than capable to look after you then there is no reason for them to be paid.

From a Grandparent’s point of view love may not be enough to support their financial issues. It would obviously mean that they somewhat need financial help. Even though they would need financial help, babysitting their Grandchildren should not be an option. Instead they can try finding a part time job. If your parents are willing to pay your Grandparents then I can not do anything because that is their choice but from my point of view I don't think I would pay my parents to look after my children.


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