
Monday, 13 March 2017

Get NZ Writing - Package Opened

Screenshot 2017-03-14 at 11.05.20.png

This morning we all gathered around in a circle excitingly waiting to open the package
that we received from greymain school in the south island. As we opened it I saw a burst of colors bringing joyfulness to my eyes. My favourite writing piece on the massive paper was the part where they said what words they like the sound of. My favourite word that I can definitely relate to was “Home Time”. I really enjoyed room 14’s postcards and their all about me poster. I hope that they enjoy ours to!


Anonymous said...

Talofa lava Alicia

Wow this is amazing how you got to see something from the south island.Who was the person that wrote the postcard that you read?.Well done on this Alicia keep it up.

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